Thursday, July 7, 2011

DAY 20

I can't believe we have been here 20 days!! It is going by so fast and we are wondering how we will ever entertain ourselves in a city after being in the country for so long. 

We still haven't seen a bear - lots of bear poop, but no bear. 

We had a great 4th of  July weekend.  It started off sitting on the porch with Angie, TJ, Nissa, Sasha, and Amanda.  The boys stayed at the camper and slept while Amanda and I had the best cup of coffee with the best company.  I learned a lot on the porch that day, but the most insignificant yet most important thing is that I am getting a Frother as soon as I get home. Thank
s to Sasha!!  Saturday night we grilled out with Ryan and Chad.  The boys shot off fireworks which was very exciting for the new horses that had just arrived.  The best part of that night was Wii with Chad and boardgames with Ryan. On Sunday, the boys finally got to go down the creek in tubes.  It wasn't as fast or deep as they would have liked, but they had fun!! Sunday night we went to Rite Aid to watch the Lynch, KY fireworks.  Ryan arrived very early to assure us of a great view!! We played Corn Hole and board games in the middle of the Rite Aid parking lot.  Monday night, we had a cook out with the Hunter family and the Morgans.  This was the perfect distraction to not being with our family on Fourth of July.  The kids had so much fun with the Hunters that they hardly remembered we were missing the Gilley's party. 

This week is a busy week for Shekinah Village, but not for us.  The boys have participated in a horse camp this week where they have learned to groom a horse, rope a cow (hay with plastic head), ride a bull, and even saddle a horse.  All three boys have had a chance to ride a horse, although Alex and Aaron are the only ones that rode at camp. I think Alex has my love for  horses.  Last night, he walked a horse to the pasture and gave them treats after their hard work at the camp.

This morning the kids and I drove over Pine Mountain to see the view from above the clouds.  It felt like we were in a plane.  Then we drove on Shepherds Trail for 15 very long, skinny, curvy miles to Kingdom Come State park.  Lastly, we went to the top of Black Bear Mtn., which is the highest point in KY and we stood on the Virginia /Kentucky line.  It was a great morning.  Just as good as the view, was the singing that took place in the car as we traveled. 

When we got back, Cole took Alex in the arena to teach him how to ride a horse.  Addison finally got on today for his very first time and Aaron rode in the arena as well.  Amanda doesn't want to ride a horse and I am waiting to go out with the adults on a trail ride!!

I think I have escaped from work long enough . . . time to go find Chad and see if he needs anything. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As young children, many of us dream about being a singer, doctor, actress or famous athlete.  My dream was to own a horse or a horse farm.  Today, I was walking across the gravel road at Shekinah Village and there were horses everywhere.  One young lady had stopped along the side of the road to talk with some friends while on her horse, another group were running their horses in the grass beside me, horses were getting ready to be models in the horse camp, and even more horses grazing in the pasture.  LIVING The DREAM!  This isn't permanent, but for now it is heaven on earth. 

Missing you, but loving it here!!

Monday, June 27, 2011


I can't believe we have been here 10 days!! It is going by too quickly.  We went to church yesterday with Ryan and Chad.  GREAT SERVICE!! We actually used Hymnals.  I am not going to lie. . .I liked it.  I had to show the boys how to read a Hymnal and they had no idea what they were, so that was sad.  Great Preaching by Rick Hunter. 

We went out to eat with a team from South Carolina and we will be working with them today. 

I started off today picking up trash, because there is definitely a bear in the village.  He or she comes every night and picks through the trash.  We haven't actually seen him yet, but there is evidence.

I'm not missing home yet, but so excited to hear from the youth and the Haiti team once we are all reunited!

Thanks Tiffany for being my first follower!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Going to the movies

Heading to the movies this afternoon for a nice day of rest with Chad, Ryan and all the kids!

Lynch Updates

I thought that I could set this up then go back and post old blogs.  Apparently you can only blog as you go.  This may be challenging for me. OR, I will do a lot of "the other day" posts.


Soon to be updating!

Blogs coming soon:-)